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See how queen Elizabeth was humiliated

QUEEN ELIZABETH II was publicly humiliated by former US President George H.W. Bush in 1991 during a a welcome speech at the White House, unearthed reports reveal.

Queen Elizabeth II is not only the longest reigning monarch in the world, but she is also one of the most well-travelled. Since ascending the throne in 1952, Her Majesty has undertaken a number of state and official visits as well as trips throughout the Commonwealth. It was during one of these visits that the monarch was involved in an “awkward” podium gaffe.

In May 1991, the Queen, accompanied by her husband Prince Philip, arrived at the White House for a welcome ceremony.

The 41st President of the US, the late George H.W. Bush, took to the podium first for a speech, introducing Her Majesty.

He left the stand as he had found it meaning that when the Queen stepped up to talk, the microphone was so high that her face was hidden.

Nothing but the Queen’s purple-and-white hat could be seen above the microphones when the 5-foot-4 monarch delivered her speech at the White House arrival ceremony.

The Queen was publicly humiliated by former US President George H.W. Bush in 1991 (Image: GETTY)

The Washington Post headlined it: “Britain’s Hat of State" (Image: GETTY)

The incident made headlines around the world and created a comical effect.

The Washington Post headlined it: “Britain’s Hat of State.”

Despite the embarrassment, Her Majestydid not seem to mind and just a few days later, she made light of it.

As she began an address to a joint meeting of Congress, the Queen said: “I do hope you can see me today from where you are.”

The comment drew laughter and applause from the lawmakers.

President Bush expressed regret about the incident, saying "it was not fair to her".

Asked why he did not pull out the lectern’s step for the Queen, Mr Bush said: ″I feel badly I didn’t.

″I thought about it, but she started to speak and I didn’t realise how it would look from a straight angle, or I would have interrupted her.

She later made light of the incident when she addressed Congress (Image: GETTY)

President George H.W. Bush was reportedly sorry about the incident (Image: GETTY)

″It wasn’t fair to her and I’m just sorry that it was overlooked.″

The former US President blamed his chief of protocol as the culprit.

He said sharply: ″That’s what we hired Joseph Reed for."

Joseph Verner Reed was the man in charge of arranging the entrances and exits for all the foreign VIPs who visited the White House.

Mr Bush is not the only US President who made a faux-pas in the presence of Her Majesty, though.

Last summer, Donald Trump pushed the boundaries of royal protocol in front of Her Majesty on more than one occasion.

In particular, according to a “royal historian”, there is one thing that Mr Trump did in front of the monarch that was equivalent to a “mortal insult”.

Donald Trump and Queen Elizabeth II in 2018 (Image: GETTY)

The US President turned his back on the Queen and then walked in front of her while inspecting the guard at Windsor Castle – actions that are all considered to be major faux pas when it comes to royal etiquette.

Historian Ian Beck wrote on Twitter: “Trump has also turned his back on the Queen.

“I have always believed this to be a mortal insult to a monarch.”

Moreover, the US President also breached protocol by revealing what the Queen told him about Brexit during an interview with Good Morning Britain.

It is very rare for heads of state to discuss their private conversations with Her Majesty.

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