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Some ways to date a successful man

8 Ways To Date A Successful Man

2019-06-26 11:42:25

Dating a successful man can be quite the uphill task for you if you are the kind of woman who can't handle his success and everything else that comes with it.

You have to deal with a number of things like his sense of style, his equally successful friends, women wanting to get this attention, him always been busy and probably having to share his attention with his career.

Sure, all these things seem like a lot of work but dating a successful man isn't as hard as it seems. 

Matter of fact, if you follow these 8 steps you can successfully date and cultivate a healthy relationship with him.

Date Him For The Right Reasons

Love him for who he is, not just the size of his wallet. Love him genuinely.

Don't go into it for his money, because if the money dries out then there is nothing left for you.

Brush Up Your Physical Appearance

Don't let the notion that men aren't attracted to just looks, fool you into dressing up shabbily for him. He might not care, but other people including his friends do.

You are a reflection of your man and if you don't look good he looks bad. Also, looking good makes him proud to show you off to his friends and take you to social gatherings.

No successful man wants to go out with a woman who isn't presentable.

No Sex Just Yet

Contrary to what you might think having sex with him won't tie him down to you. And don't be hasty to throw sex at him at any opportunity you get.  

If you want your relationship with him to be different, special and beyond physical contact, then find other ways to bond with him. 

And if you two must have sex then it should be after you have built a solid relationship with him. Get to know him first and gain his respect forget sex for now.

Impress With Your Dreams

Don't live in his shadow forever. Follow your own dreams too and strive to be also successful.

Have an identity match his success so that you won't be some trophy wife or a woman who is rich because she is dating a rich man.

Successful men like women who are equally prosperous and driven. 

Don't give up your dreams for him.

Level Up

Yes! Find ways to step up your game in that relationship. Attend classes, take business courses and do whatever to keep him respecting and appreciating you.

It goes beyond looks have something in your head so that you don't embarrass him when you speak in public.

Improve yourself!

Be Independent

Be your own support system so that you won't fall apart when he isn't around. Don't always ask him for things, get those things for yourself and for him too.

Aim to be the kind of women who he can also lean for emotional and financial support, not always the other way round.

Don't Lose Your Identity

Successful men like a woman who has other things going on in her life. Have a full life, have friends, hobbies and other outlets.

Don't lose your identity, have a life outside your relationship with him.


Be emotionally mature enough to understand that he is busy, keeps late hours and will always divide his attention between you and his career.

You picked him because he is successful and has prospects. Don't make him lose these attributes simply because you want to spend more time with him.

Let him do his own thing and do your own thing too.

Dating a successful man be quite hard but as long as you stick to these steps you will be fine.

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