Due to popular demands and pressure from my readers to write about these topics below
1 - The Types of Housing for the rearing of Snails,
2 - Feeds & Feeding of Snails and
3 - Breeding of Snails.
To avoid boring write- up, I will be attending to the type of housing for the rearing of snail only in this article, while subsequent articles would tend to other topics raised above. So, let's get down to business
Building a house for snails require some major inputs like where the house should be located/sited, what kind of soil, water needs, etc.
The house should be sited on a flat land with adequate shade, the soil should be humus or loamy soil, it must be rich in organic matter and not waterlogged or acidic.
Most important a good housing type must be well ventilated, spacious, affordable, durable and must be able to protect the snails against predators and insect infestation.
(a) Select a site under a shade,
(b) Put 4 old tyres upon one another,
(c) Fill the lowest tyre to a depth of 12-15cm(roughly the of 10naira note) with loamy soil
(d) Between the 3rd and 4th tyres, put a wire netting.
And with the few steps highlighted above your tyre type of snail house is ready.
The tyre housing system can hold 3-6 mature snails depending on the sizes of the tyres i.e tractor tyre of 1-meter diameter can hold 4-6 mature snails while trailer or lorry tyre of about 70cm diameter will hold 3-4 mature snails. Tyres housing systems are less expensive and readily available in an urban area but the ventilation is poor (tyres can be perforated to increase ventilation by using hot pointed metal rod).
(a) Perforate the bottom of the tank/drum and the side for proper aeration.
(b) Lay sack on the bottom and fill with humus or loamy soil to a depth of 10-15cm.
(c) Put dry layers of with
(d) Cover the tank/drum with a lid of wire
(e) Put 4-6 mature snails on 1m per square area (f) place the tank on a stand if available.
Old tank and drum are used to raised snails on a small - scale production and also for personal consumption production too.
(a) At the bottom of the basket lay a sack
(b) Fill with loamy soil to a depth of 15 - 20cm(roughly the size of 500naira note)
(c) Put dry layers of leaves on the soil
(d) Cover the basket with a wire netting (reinforced with mosquito net.
The limitation in the use of baskets for raising snail is durability but with the invent of plastic baskets that limitation has been solved. This method of housing is generally for raising hatchlings of less than 3 months of age or for incubation of eggs
4 - CAGE
The cage can be built with wood, metal, bamboo. And can be of different sizes depending on your budget and pocket depth.
The cage system can be used for medium or large scale production, it is easily transferable and offers the best protection against soldier ants, rodents, snakes or other reptiles compared to other housing methods mentioned above.
The picture below would best describe how to construct a cage for snails
5 - Low Fenced/High Fenced Pens
Low Fenced/ High Fenced are pens built with blocks or mud blocks, wire netting is included to prevent snails from escaping. It is permanent, expensive and not transferable. It is ideal for large scale production snails. The picture below would give you an idea of what a fenced pen looks like
Further inquiry about types of snail housing /its constructions or to know more about snailery, It all FREE FREE FREE, you can drop your number in the comment section or reach me on my Whatsapp number - 09062209580. Please, share, like and comment
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