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Most Christians are not aware of the spiritual battle in the re

alm of the spirit.Hence they are doing little or nothing to equip themselves with the necessary armours to engage in this battle with the devil.

Under here are Five major spiritual waepons with which a Christian can arm himself:

1. Intercessory weapons

 An intercessor is a person who stands in the gap in prayers for others.He does this at the expense of his life.He is a person who gives his life in prayers for others who are going through troubles.We intercede through prayer, petitioning for others before the throne of God.A good example of an intercessor in the Bible is Moses who was ready to die for his people if God would not relent on His anger and cease his adverse judgement on the children of Israel.

 2. The name of Jesus 

There is something in the name of Jesus that is awesome and wonderful. The devil can't withstand the power hidden in the name Jesus.

Apostle Paul, Peter, and John wrote extensively on the power of the name of Christ. No one can make demons subject to him without the name of Christ.It is the name that is above every other names in heaven, on the earth and under the sea.

 3. The power of praise 

God is in praise.There is a powerful force in praise that made the wall of Jericho fell flat at the praise of God's people.When we pray,God sends an angel to attend to our prayers but when we praise God Himself is present to fight our battle.

 4. The fire of the Holy Ghost

The fire of the Holy Ghost has a two-fold purpose in the life of a believer. It could be used as both an offensive and a defensive weapon.It is like the word of God, which is double-edged and therefore dual in purpose.

We often see God through the medium of fire throughout the Old Testament. He appears to Moses in a burning bush, and as a pillar of fire through the wilderness wanderings of the Israelites. The Word of God describes God as “all Consuming Fire.”


5. The Blood of Jesus

I realize the power in the blood of Jesus when Archangel Michael and his angels fought the dragon but couldn't overcome him until the blood of Jesus was applied.There is great power in the blood of Jesus .

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